Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 98

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 98

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 98

A study and comparison types of tense and mood in Saadi`s Golestan an Majd Khafi`s Rowze Khold: A Functional and critical stylistic approach

Mohammad Faghiri (Author in Charge), Fateme Modarresi , Ali Fatemian


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Functional stylistics pays attention to the role and use of words and clauses, and critical stylistics deals with power relations in the text. The issue of the present article is to find out the extent to which the Rowze Khold is imitative regarding the category of tense and mood to Golestan. The general goal is to discover the problem of imitation of Rowze Khold, and to compare the frequency of tense and mood, the grammatical voice and narrative style of the two. The theory of the research is Halliday` functionalism and traditional grammar.

METHODOLOGY: The type of research is applied, its method is quantitative and qualitative, and its variables include 31 interpersonal role variables. The sample and analysis unit is the clause and the data was selected by systematic sampling method.

FINDINGS: The findings of this research shows that Golestan with 77% and Rowze Khold with 76% have a significant similarity in declarative mood. In addition, Golestan has got 45% past, 49% present, imperative 5% and future tense 1% and in Rowze Khold 51%, 43%, 6% and 0% in turn.

CONCLUSION: The statistical evidence shows that Rowze Khold is highly influenced by Golestan in terms of attitude, interaction with existence, grammatical voice and narrative style. In addition, the grammatical voice of the two works is declarative and both are neutral to power relations.

style , tense , mood , power , voice

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